A Chrome extensions for self-control on Facebook

Table A.1: Browser extensions for self-control on Facebook, identified by searching the Chrome Web store in February 2018. Also available (with urls to the extensions) on the thesis’ Open Science Framework repository: osf.io/ed3wh/
Title Summary Number of users Rating Number of reviews
F.B. (FluffBusting) Purity Provides granular control, options to remove the news feed, restyle colours, hide suggested content, and more 198708 4.83 1804
News Feed Eradicator for Facebook Removes the news feed and replace it with nothing or with motivational or customised quotes 138781 4.62 919
Kill News Feed Removes the news feed 51233 4.62 584
QCLean Removes ads, sponsored posts, and recommended games 36629 1.54 1927
Todobook Replaces the newsfeed with a todo-list. Clearing the todo-list unlocks 5 minutes of news feed 4549 4.74 172
Facebook Demetricator Removes numerical metrics, such as number of friends and number of likes 3211 4.36 25
Detox for Facebook Replaces the newsfeed with content from other sources, e.g. mashable, the verge or github 3112 3.15 41
Time’s Up! - Facebook time limiter Can prompt user to stop, or force close the tab, when a set time limit has passed. Browser toolbar button shows how much time is left 2018 3.42 24
Facebook Chat Only Hides everything except the chat sidebar 1709 3.79 34
Focusbook Promps the user for why they visit Facebook, then periodically reminds them of what they typed in until they leave the site. 1424 4.08 38
Newsfeed Burner Removes the news feed 1021 4.73 11
Auto Logout Automatically logs the user off after 10 minutes 382 4.20 5
Facebook Visit Stats Adds counter to the browser tool bar showing number of visits made to Facebook 322 2.40 5
Hide News for Facebook with Timer Hides the newsfeed and adds simple ‘show feed’ button to toggle it on again 319 4.80 5
Feminist News Feed Eradicator for Facebook Replaces the news feed with inspirational feminist quotes 308 4.29 7
Focusbook (Facebook News Feed Remover) Replaces the news feed with suggestions for alternative activites in the form ‘you could be doing’ + random activity ‘instead’ 248 4.17 6
Stop Scrolling Newsfeed for Facebook Hides the newsfeed after a selected amount of time (15s, 1m, 5m) 219 4.57 21
Cat Feed Replaces the news feed content with pictures of cats 202 4.57 7
FB Newsfeed Killer Removes the newsfeed plus the prompt to make posts 162 4.50 2
Friction for Facebook Replaces the newsfeed with self-control tips like ‘go to messenger.com if you’re on FB to send messages’; remove color from notifications 127 4.86 7
MinimalHero Removes the news feed and limit number of browser tabs that can be simultaneously open 110 5.00 1
Distraction-free Facebook Chat UI Adds button for hiding everything except the chat sidebar 108 4.88 8
Minimal Distraction Free Facebook Removes everything from the Facebook homepage except the top nav bar and replaces it with a motivational quote 105 5.00 2
Timewaste Timer Charges 1$ from a set deposit account when Facebook is used for more than a specific daily duration 95 5.00 3
Simply Facebook Removes everything except the newsfeed and the chat sidebar 78 3.00 1
Turn Facebook Black & White Turns the site black and white 70 1.00 4
Social Habit Disruption Displays a ‘There are better things to do’ popup and prompts the user for a number of minutes they need access 69 4.33 3
Desktop Messenger - No Distractions Adds button to the browser toolbar that takes the user to a messenger-only version of Facebook 55 5.00 1
Codeforces WA Questions FB News Feed Replaces the news feed with pending questions on Codeforces (website for competitive programming) 43 4.78 9
I don’t care about your likes Hides likes and notifications 41 5.00 1
Facebook without photos Removes pictures on Facebook 40 3.00 1
Social Relief - Relief from your social feed. Adds button to browser toolbar which lets the user block access for 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month 37 5.00 3
Hide Facebook News Feed Removes the newsfeed and adds button to browser toolbar for toggling it on 35 5.00 1
News Feed Hider Removes the newsfeed during specific hours of the day 31 3.00 2
deface Removes everything except the chat sidebar 30 4.75 4
facebook usage control Blocks Facebook after a set daily time limit has been spent 30 4.00 2
Social Rehab Blocks Facebook 29 3.00 2
Facebook NoStream Removes the newsfeed plus the prompt to make posts 28 2.67 3
Focus for Facebook (Free) Unfollows everyone in the user’s newsfeed 28 0.00 0
No Feed Removes the news feed 27 4.50 2
Rap News Feed for Facebook Replaces the news feed with inspirational rap quotes 16 5.00 2
Clutter Free Facebook Removes the news feed 11 5.00 1
Facebook Bliss Removes the news feed 9 5.00 1
FBNoTrend Removes trending topis 7 5.00 2
Facebook Filter Removes sponsored and suggested posts, trending topics, and comments 5 0.00 0
FB Blinders Removes names and images from posts 5 0.00 0
Neuter Facebook Removes newsfeed, chat side bar, sponsored posts, and shortcuts 2 5.00 1
Quieter Facebook Removes the news feed 2 0.00 0
99xfy Removes chat sidebar and short cuts 1 0.00 0
Facebook Feed Relief Adds option next to each news feed post for hiding it 1 0.00 0